Hampton School News 2015

Pupils at Hampton School are celebrating 100% CPE pass rate

Term 3.

Hampton School Pupils Pass CPE with 100% pass rate

Hampton School is proud to announce another excellent set of CPE results, maintaining the very high standards we have set over the years. Our pupils have achieved wonderful individual results and can now look forward to the next step in their academic journey.

A special mention must go to the girls at our Quatre-Bornes branch who all achieved A+ in every subject!—a school record!

Our year 6 pupils are a wonderful group of boys and girls. We would like to congratulate them, their teachers and parents for all their hard work and effort.


The Festival of Lights at Hampton

Term 3.

Diwali at Hampton Primary School

Hampton school welcomed two distinguished speakers to talk to our pupils about the Hindu festival of Diwali. The talk included the history of Diwali and how it is celebrated differently throughout the country of India. This talk capped a fun week of art projects that included making Diwali cards and lanterns. As part of their drama class, pupils performed Diwali themed skits and dance routines.

At Hampton we constantly help our pupils to grow in a manner where they learn to recognize and respect the various religions and traditions of different people around the world.

We would like to thank Professor Tiwari and Mr Dawosing for spending time with us and sharing their expertise.


Book Reading with Roshni Mooneeram

Term 3.

Roshni Mooneeram visits Hampton Primary School

Hampton Primary School welcomed author Roshni Mooneeram to read excerpts of her new book Flerkann.

This was an important experience for our pupils because it gave them the opportunity to practice listening—a crucial skill for primary school and beyond. Through hearing stories, children are exposed to a vast vocabulary which helps them build their own and improve their understanding when they listen.

Our pupils thoroughly enjoyed the time they spent with Mrs Mooneeram and we thank her for taking the time to read and inspire creativeness.


World Food Day Talk

Term 3.

World Food Day 2015 Talk in Mauritius

Today we invited a representative from the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security to raise our pupils awareness about World Food Day and the movement to end hunger.

World Food Day is a day of action against hunger. Every year people around the world come together to declare their commitment to eradicate hunger in our lifetime. Almost 5 million children under the age of five suffer malnutrition-related issues annually. It is important for our pupils to be informed about issues outside their direct environment. The talk gave them a valuable lesson about real life issues and it also taught them to be empathetic to the needy and disadvantaged.

This talk demonstrates Hampton's commitment to providing a well-rounded curriculum that focuses on developing our pupils by encouraging their critical thinking and social development.

Everyone at Hampton School would like to thank Mrs Curpen for her wonderful presentation.


Mauritian Authors discuss International Day of Literacy with Hampton Pupils

Term 3.

Mauritian Authors discussing International Day of Literacy at Hampton Primary School

The pupils of Hampton were treated to a talk given by Mr Hosany, an award winning author and Miss Ameerah, a promising Mauritian Poet. They were invited to discuss the International Day of Literacy. The authors engaged with our pupils by sharing their personal stories of learning French and English and transforming their love of the written word into a proud profession.

The pupils learned the importance of reading and how a passion for literature can transform their lives for the better. At Hampton Primary School, we are always happy to invite cultured, articulate speakers to meet with our pupils so that they can learn through example the skills they will need to thrive in the world.


Fire Safety Talk

Term 3.

Mauritius Fire Services give Fire Safety Talk at Hampton Primary School

Hampton prides itself on delivering a comprehensive and exciting curriculum which keeps our pupils engaged in their education.

The local fire brigade visited the school to give a presentation on fire safety. The pupils were taught the causes of fires and methods of preventing them. Our pupils had the opportunity to go inside a fire engine and have the firemen explain their equipment to them. Judging by the rapt attention and big smiles it was clear that our pupils enjoyed themselves immensely.

At Hampton we work constantly to deliver quality educational experiences like this because we believe that hands-on presentations given by experts is an important part of a primary curriculum.


Up, Up and Away. It's World Aviation Day at Hampton!

Term 3.

World Aviation Day 2015 Talk given to pupls of Hampton Primary School Mauritius

Once again Hampton was proud to bring our pupils a unique and educational experience from a visiting professional. Last week our pupils learned about World Aviation Day with Mr. Kudrath from the Airports Authority.

Speaking to our primary school pupils, Mr. Kudrath gave them a behind the scenes look at the inner workings of Air Traffic control and the many people who work to keep the skies safe. Our pupils were also fascnated to learn about the planes that Air Mauritius have at their disposal and the new ones they will have soon.

Hampton Primary School will continue to bring knowledgeable and engaging speakers to talk to our pupils because we believe that a diverse curriculum is essential for them to receive a well rounded education.


Understanding Eid

Term 2.

Understanding Eid Talk given to pupls of Hampton Primary School Mauritius

We were delighted to welcome Mr. Lauthan to talk to our pupils about the religious festival of Eid . Eid is a national holiday in Mauritius and is celebrated by millions of people around the world. As the world becomes more interconnected than ever before, we believe it is important for Hampton School pupils to learn and respect faiths which may be different from their own. Our pupils engaged with Mr. Lauthan's presentation and asked him well thought out questions about Ramadan and the Eid Festival. It was another great learning experience for our pupils and on behalf of everyone at Hampton Primary School, we would like to thank Mr. Lauthan for his professionalism and enthusiasm.


4th of July Talk at Hampton

Term 2.

4th of July Talk at Hampton Primary School Mauritius

After a week of flag making, poem writing and singing songs that celebrated America, Hampton Primary School were delighted to welcome a representative from the U.S. Embassy to speak to our pupils about the history of the Fourth of July. Mr. Mahlke's presentation kept our pupils interested and engaged. The focus of the presentation was on the struggles of Americans in the 18th century to gain independence from Great Britain. Pupils were given a real appreciation for how difficult the fight for independence was, the sacrifices that patriots made and the legacy they left behind. Mr. Mahlke concluded his presentation by cheerfully answering all the questions pupils had about Independence Day.

This was yet another great learning experience for our pupils and on behalf of everyone at Hampton we would like to thank Mr Mahlke for his professionalism and enthusiasm and the U.S Embassy for accepting our invitation.


Sports Day at Hampton School an All Round Success

Term 2.

Sports Day 2015 at Hampton Primary School Mauritius

Our Annual Sports Day was a tremendous success. Congratulations to Bentham House for being the ultimate victors of this wonderful event.

Our pupils took part in a range of sporting events often with a creative twist and always in a spirit of fun. It was not just pupils who participated—numerous alumni of the school were in attendance to cheer their old houses to victory. The Honourable Minister of Environment, Sustainable Development and Beach Management, Mr Jayeshwur Raj Dayal and the Honourable Minister of Youth and Sports, Mr Yogida Sawmynaden also graced the event with their presence. As each pupil took part they won points for their school house and learned to encourage each other and to challenge themselves in a new way.

All of us here at Hampton School would like to thank the parents who once again, showed such an enormous amount of support for their children and the school.


World Environment Day Talk

Term 2.

Mauritius World Environment 2015 talk at Hampton Primary School

The pupils of Hampton had visitors from the Ministry of Education recently. The visiting guests came to talk about World Environment Day.

Our pupils were taught about the importance of protecting our environment. From the ways to safeguard our beaches to the methods of better protecting forests, no environmental subject was too small to discuss.

The pupils seemed readily engaged with the instructors and were encouraged to ask questions. Each question was answered with courtesy and intelligence by the MoE staff who were genuinely enthusiastic about teaching our pupils about the environment.

The staff and administration of Hampton would like to thank the MoE for their talk. It is the constant goal of Hampton Primary School's administration to provide our pupils with quality educational events which can advance their understanding of important topics.


National Park and Conservation Service Talk

Term 2.

National Park and Conservation Service Mauritius talk at Hampton Primary School

The pupils of Hampton Primary School were treated to an interactive presentation by the National Park and Conservation Service. The staff of the NPCS kept every pupil engaged with their discussion about the history of the Mauritian birds and the steps being taken to protect them.

In addition to a lively and informative presentation our pupils were delighted to receive posters and comics featuring the indigenous birds of Mauritius. The combination of the passionate presenters and source materials will no doubt inspire our pupils to learn more about the birds of Mauritius and of the world.

Presentations such as this bring an excitement to education that impacts every pupil and makes learning fun. It is Hampton's intention to provide more such events in the future.


Hampton pupils participate in Food Revolution Day

Term 2.

Hampton Primary School, Mauritius, takes part in Food Revolution Day 2015

Hampton pupils got a wonderful treat this week when they took part in Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Day 2015. Food Revolution Day is a worldwide movement to encourage governments to support school programs that teach children the value of nutrition. With obesity more prevalent than ever and many health related issues being linked to poor diet, it is vital that our pupils be properly educated about nutrition.

Our pupils were excited to participate in all of the activities involved with this event. Their questions made it evident that they were all focused on the issues of health and nutrition while the cooking activities kept them active and energetic.

At Hampton Primary school, cooking classes is a part of our curriculum. The values of Food Revolution Day will continue to be reflected in the healthy recipes that our pupils will be preparing in the days and weeks to come.

Hampton is committed to offering our pupils events such as Food Revolution Day because we firmly believe that educational opportunities that engage pupils outside of the classroom environment are essential to the development of well-rounded future leaders.


World Red Cross Day at Hampton

Term 2.

Red Cross Mauritius visit Hampton Primary School pupils

As part of our primary school curriculum, pupils at Hampton study a Citizenship and Moral Science module. We believe that it is vital for our pupils to understand their importance in the world as well as the importance of others even at a relatively young age. It made sense, therefore, for us to invite the Red Cross to speak to our pupils on the occasion of World Red Cross Day.

Our pupils were given a presentation about the work the Red Cross do and how they are making a difference in world. This not only helped our pupils become aware of situations of conflict and need around the world but also helped to develop their character by inspiring them to make a difference themselves.

We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to the Red Cross, Mauritius branch for their visit and the positive and lasting impression they made upon our pupils.


UNICEF Road Safety Week Talk

Term 2.

UNICEF Road Safety Week Talk At Hampton Primary School

Did you know each year nearly 400,000 people under 25 die on the world's road? Road Safety Week was created in response to such tragic events. The aims are to raise road safety awareness and to encourage everyone to take part in making roads a safer place.

In partnership with the Brahma Kumaris, UNICEF visited us to educate our pupils on ways in which they can keep themselves safe on the road. Considering their attentiveness, we're certain our pupils really took on board the advice being given.

Educating young children about roads, traffic, and safe behavior is essential, and Hampton Primary School is proud to be doing our part. However, this responsibility is a shared one between the school and the parents. Parents, who wish to learn how they can teach their children about road safety, can visit this link.

We wish to thank the Brahma Kumaris for their visit, and hope events such as Road Safety Week continue to make our roads a safer place for everyone.


Easter Week at Hampton

Term 1.

Easter talk given to pupils at Hampton Primary School, Mauritius

Easter at Hampton, is an occasion which is celebrated with great happiness by our pupils and teachers irrespective of their religious belief.

Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar but often gets less attention than Christmas. To help make the Easter period more meaningful, we arranged for friends of our local church, Mrs Hanoomanjee and Mrs Chung Yum Tack to talk to our pupils. They used stories and illustrations to bring the Easter story to life. Our pupils listened attentively and asked intelligent questions.

To round of the week, pupils in all departments took part in fun activities to stimulate their resourcefulness and creativity. We are sure the egg raffle, making and exchanging of Easter cards and Bunnies will create lasting memories for our pupils. It has been an excellent week to end an excellent term.


Water Conservation Talk at Hampton Primary School

Term 1.

Water Conservation talk given to Hampton Primary School Pupils, Mauritius

Water is a natural resource which is essential for us to survive. Conserving water, therefore, is a responsibility we all need to share. Children can make a huge impact by changing the way their families and friends use water. To help us teach water conservation, we invited the Central Water Authority to give a talk to our Primary School pupils.

The talk really helped our boys and girls understand just how much work is involved to make sure clean water comes out of our taps and what they can do to prevent water wastage on a local and global scale.


Chinese Cultural Centre Visits Hampton.

Term 1.

Mauritius Chinese Cultural Centre visits Hampton Primary School

We were delighted to welcome the Chinese Cultural Centre to talk to our Pre-Primary and Primary school pupils about the Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year has become better known in recent years and is becoming a more important festival around the world as a result. The Chinese New Year is celebrated by millions of people outside of China; it is a national holiday in most parts of Asia including Mauritius.

The talk that the Centre gave was interactive and entertaining for our pupils and teachers alike. They were shown videos which outlined a lot of the basics. A talk to expand what was shown followed and the event concluded with a Q&A session.

We are grateful to the Chinese Cultural Centre, Mauritius for their visit and we wish to thank them for teaching our pupils about an important cultural festival. It was obvious from the pupil's faces they had a lot of fun learning about Chinese New Year and all the traditions associated with it.

We take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Chinese New Year!


The Brahma Kumaris visit Hampton.

Term 1.

Brahma Kumaris talk to Hampton Primary School pupils about Shivaratri

We were delighted to welcome the Brahma Kumaris organisation to talk to our pupils about the festival of Shivaratri. Shivaratri is a religious holiday that is very important in the Hindu religion and a public holiday in Mauritius. It celebrates the wedding of the God Shiva to the Goddess Parvati. There is a rich history behind it and it takes place annually around February or March.

We believe it is very important for our pupils to come into contact with different cultures. Understanding another culture is the first step towards ideals like peace and tolerance.

At Hampton Primary school, we are proud of our commitment to educate pupils outside of the classroom. This is an important and often underutilized aspect of the education process. It helps keep the lessons fresh and stops the children from getting bored. No teacher can know everything so it can be a major boost to the learning experience to bring in people who are much better educated about the subject. This is especially true of religious education where the best people to learn from are members of the faith. Bringing in speakers with proven expertise in the subject provides our pupils with a whole different level of understanding and knowledge. It is for this reason Hampton Primary school will continue to hold events like these in the future and we hope our pupils will look forward to them and enjoy them when they come.


Swimming Safety Talk at Hampton Primary School.

Term 1.

Swimming Safety talk at Hampton School, Mauritius

Hampton Primary School welcomed the Surf Life Saving Association for a talk on swimming safety. The lead speaker was Mr. Ramharai who is an experience and professional life guard. The talk introduced our pupils to the potential dangers at sea along with best practices to help them overcome them. They were also given advice regarding their own safety as well as the safety of others while swimming.

Our pupils had a productive time learning these vital life skills such as using sticks and rope to rescue someone. We would like to thank the Surf Life Saving Association for an informative and practical safety talk which our pupils thoroughly enjoyed.


Religious Education Talk Arranged for Pupils.

Term 1.

Cavadee talk given to our Primary pupils

We were honoured to welcome Ayer Pushparatham to talk to our pupils about Cavadee. Cavadee is a spiritual and traditional dance performed by devotees during ceremonial worship of Lord Murugan; the Tamil God of War.

We believe that it is vital for our pupils to understand that people have different beliefs. By arranging such talks we can encourage them to be open to learning about other cultures and the outer world in general.

At Hampton, we have always been committed to bring teaching outside of the classroom and this talk which is one of several scheduled for this term demonstrates this.
